
Thursday, 27 March 2008

LBO-ISSUE: Google wants To Use White Space For Wireless Internet

Now although this story is in America, it is a very interesting one that if, allowed could change the way people use the internet. According to news sources, the Multi Million Search Engine that is greatly uses on the WWW 'Google' has reveled a plan to use wireless internet across unused TV Signals called White Spaces. White spaces are unused and unlicensed TV airwaves that Television broadcaster say, that if used, can disrupt previous Tv signals. However Google has stated that there is technology that can deal with signal disruption to prevent the signals interfering with each. Google says that this offers a 'Ones in a Life Time' opportunity to bring unlimited wireless internet access to everyone, everywhere, no matter what.
Of course, having unlimited internet no matter where you are would be a big step for everyone. having complete access to the internet, all through the touch of a button, be it someone working on there laptop, or even someone on there mobile phone... the possibilities are endless. If this does go through, i can see google, one day controlling the internet, as this will defiantly put up some competition to previous broadband providers. Who knows, five years From now, we could all be paying an annual fee to google to access the internet.

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